‘Bright Spots’ book now in UK version

Adam Brown with his book, Bright Spots and Landmines

Adam Brown is Senior Editor at diaTribe.org, and author of Bright Spots & Landmines: The Diabetes Guide I Wish Someone Had Handed Me.

A fellow person with diabetes, his book has reached over 50,000 people since publication just over a year ago, mainly in the USA where he and the DiaTribe organisation are based. He has just published an edition of the book in a format more suited to the UK (featuring the way we measure blood tests over here in mmols/L). The entire book (not just a teaser) is available as a free download from DiaTribe, or you can chose to pay £5 on Amazon UK with the money going back into DiaTribe.

DiaTribe is a non-profit organisation, the aim of which is to help as many people as possible with useful advice. If you want a taster of the kind of advice Brown gives, then take a look at his feature on ‘42 Factors that Affect Blood Glucose’. As Brown says, “Have you ever heard someone explain diabetes with a frustrating level of simplicity, saying things like, ‘You’ll have on-target blood sugars as long as you eat right, exercise, and take your medicine.’ We all have, but if only it were that easy, and wouldn’t it be great that only vague advice was all we needed to hear!”

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Desang Diabetes Magazine is our free-to-receive digital journal (see below). We cover diabetes news, diabetes management equipment (diabetes ‘kit’ such as insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitoring equipment) and news about food suitable for a diabetic diet including a regular Making Carbs Count column. We just need your email address to subscribe you (it really is free, and you can easily unsubscribe should you wish to).

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