Insulin pumps prove peerless

Dr Mark Evans of Addenbrookes Hospital and Emma Wilmot of Derby Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have commented in the British Journal of Diabetes on behalf of the ABCD Insulin Pump Network UK Committee regarding recent coverage of the results of the REPOSE (Relative Effectiveness of Pumps Over Structured Education) trial published in March 2017 in the British Medical Journal.

“The ABCD Insulin Pump Network Committee has become aware of a number of cases where the findings have been misreported and/or misinterpreted. We thought it would be helpful if we clarify the main REPOSE findings and implications for clinical practice in the UK. The REPOSE findings support the current NICE T1D pathway, with structured education being offered first and insulin pump therapy then being considered where patients are still struggling to achieve glycaemic goals safely. Sadly, most patients with T1D in the UK have not been offered evidence-based structured education. Similarly, access to insulin pumps still remains patchy, with the level of provision of insulin pumps being lower than in other comparable countries. There is a danger that misrepresentation of the REPOSE data could worsen this inequality.”

To read Dr Evan’s full commentary CLICK HERE.

For more information and insights on the REPOSE study, you can also read and article from INPUT by CLICKING HERE.

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